wpd Adria

wpd Adria is a regional subsidiary of German company wpd, one of the leaders in the renewable energy sector, currently the largest onshore wind farm developer in Germany.

In Croatia, we have successfully developed four wind farm projects – WP Trtar-Krtolin, WP Orlice, WP Katuni, and WP Ponikve, with a total installed capacity of almost 100 MW.

The company is in its new development cycle and is exploring new possible development locations, both in Croatia and in the wider region. In addition to wind farms, we are interested in developing hybrid plants that would utilize wind and sun potential. Realization of such projects would contribute, not only to the Croatian electricity system and RES production, but it would also bring long-term benefits to the local government units through the budget contribution.

As a part of our corporate social responsibility, wpd always invests in the sustainable development of the communities in which we are operating, especially through donations aimed at children and youth, preservation of the natural and cultural heritage, and the development of organic agriculture.

We are interested in developing projects in Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Slovenia, and Serbia.

wpd is a reliable partner for the development, financing, construction, and management of wind farms. Founded in Bremen in 1996 as a medium-sized company, wpd now operates in 31 countries with over 4.000 professionals and is playing a leading role in increasing the share of renewable energy as well as in climate protection.

In Germany, wpd has risen to the leading position in the expansion of land-based wind farms. For years, wpd has had a first-class A credit rating from a member of Allianz Group, Euler Hermes. This external credit evaluation highlights wpd’s potential is based on permanent stability and past achievements.

Wind energy projects are complex feats of planning. wpd supports onshore projects across all phases to ensure that targets are hit and profitability guaranteed.

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Solar energy constitutes a further important contribution towards the success of the energy turnaround. wpd is also operating worldwide in this growing market and expanding its portfolio.

6,970 MW
installed capacity
members of staff
Project pipeline of
31,585 MW
wind onshore
wind turbines erected
countries worldwide
Project pipeline of
7,360 MW